Joining Black Umbrella Studio’s Creator Membership is a breeze. For just $100 registration fee, unlock a world of creative possibilities with no long contract commitments. The $25 monthly fee ensures you continue to enjoy uninterrupted access, with the freedom to cancel any time. Plus, our membership comes with exclusive in-studio support to assist you every step of the way.
Need guidance or technical assistance? We’ve got you covered. Additionally, benefit from our educational support resources, including workshops and masterclasses, designed to nurture your skills and inspire your creativity. Connect with like-minded creators in our community and participate in knowledge sharing sessions to exchange insights and ideas.
At Black Umbrella Studio, we’re more than just a space—we’re a thriving hub of creativity where your vision comes to life. Join us today and let’s create something extraordinary together.
At Black Umbrella Studios, we’re more than just a space – we’re a haven for creative minds. Our mission is to provide the ideal environment where passion and creativity thrive.
Please Note: Our memberships are not tailored for events, workshops or podcast.
Begin by completing a simple membership application. This may include providing basic personal information and agreeing to the terms and conditions.
Once approved, pay an initial Registration fee of $100 to officially join our private community.
Enjoy the perk of renting the studio at a discounted rate, per flat hour for the CYC wall and weekend sessions without additional fees or minimum hour requirements.
Stay Informed
– Keep an eye on updates and communications from the membership group to stay informed about events, new features, and any changes in fees or benefits.
By following these simple steps, you can seamlessly become a member, enjoy the benefits, and make the most of your creative journey within the community.
If you stop paying your membership fee, your membership will be canceled. To rejoin, you will need to pay the $100 registration fee again.
Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. However, if you decide to rejoin in the future, you will be required to pay the registration fee again.
No, there is no grace period. If your payment is not received on time, your membership will be canceled, and you will need to pay the registration fee again to reactivate it.
Currently, we do not offer discounts for long-term memberships. The fee remains $25 per month.
Membership fees can be paid online through our website or in person at the studio.
As a member, you gain access to our studio facilities, exclusive events, workshops, and a supportive community of artists and creatives.
No, we do not offer a pause option for memberships. If you cancel and decide to rejoin later, the $100 registration fee will apply again.
Feel free to contact us directly at (256) 374-0360, and we’ll be happy to assist you with any additional questions.
Studio Hours are set at 60 Minutes (1 Hr ). You will received a private member booking calendar to book at a special rate with no minimum of hours to book.
*Prices are subject to change at any time.
You can book, video photos for your clients. Membership is not suitable for Events, Workshops, or Podcasts.
Membership is limited to 5 people per booking including the photographer, assistance, makeup artist etc.. all additional person is $10.
We do have some studio stools and chairs at no extra cost. They are shared between the stages. Please ask the front desk or one of the associates for a stool and kindly bring it back when you are done so others can use it. You can request a stool when you make your reservation.
Of course we do! Our crew consists of some very versatile and talented people. Please inquire about our assistants & photographers’ rates and availability at (Blackumbrellaagency or check our
Yes we do, but If you need continuous lighting for video, you are more than welcome to bring your own lighting or grip gear. Please contact us for the amperage information for your reserved session.
Yes, you can! Please keep in mind the amperage might be limited for hot or video lights, and in some very limited cases for continuous lights or large strobe setups in the stage that you are shooting (and extra fee for hot light will be added to your final invoice). For details please email us at (blackumbrellaagency, or call us.
Yes, we do! We have 9′ Green, Thunder Grey and Black seamless paper backdrops already set up. We install them for you for no extra charge. The installation of the first extra color backdrop is free. All other installations are only $10/roll. Every foot of damage of any backdrop is only $6 (from the edge till where we have to cut off). Paper backdrop rolls are also available for purchase.
Please Request your custom color in advance ( at least 7 days" they come via UPS), as we may not have it in stock”
Yes, we do have grip equipment available. Please request it while making/confirming your reservation or simply request it upon arrival or when needed only.
Apple boxes ( Coming soon )